
Tetra Tech provides sustainable wastewater solutions for our clients, using our Leading with Science® approach related to regulatory requirements, innovation, optimization, and developing the best allocation and prioritization of economic resources.
Tetra Tech is a global leader in the technology and engineering of wastewater solutions. We listen and work with each client to develop innovative solutions to their unique challenges. Our full lifecycle services include master planning, asset management, rehabilitation, design, permitting, and construction administration with a focus on sustainability and resilience. We leverage more than 30 years of proven experience and our Tetra Tech Delta technology solutions to address complex wastewater challenges.

Master Planning and Management Consulting
Tetra Tech’s utility master planning experts understand the technical and financial challenges of providing sustainable, cost-effective infrastructure. Our wastewater services include integrated master planning, asset management, capital improvement planning, financial planning, and rate studies.

Wastewater Treatment
Tetra Tech’s wastewater treatment specialists combine expertise in design and operation of biological, physical, and chemical processes to meet our clients’ needs for effective and efficient treatment facilities. Our engineers regularly perform hands-on process energy audits, comprehensive performance evaluations, and plant optimization.
We apply our skills to biological nutrient removal processes; filtration, membrane bioreactors, and other membrane processes for reuse or groundwater replenishment; disinfection and oxidation processes, including chemical and ultraviolet; biosolids processes for stabilization; and energy and nutrient recovery.

Tetra Tech works with our clients to evaluate, rehabilitate, and design improvements to their gravity sewer, force main, and pumping systems to get the most out of existing assets and optimize their systems. Our services include hydraulic modeling; sewer system evaluation surveys; condition assessments; in addition to the planning, design, and permitting of improvements.

Wet Weather
Tetra Tech works with clients facing consent decrees and other enforcement mechanisms related to combined and separate sanitary system overflows to clarify regulatory expectations, integrate them with local goals, and complete required actions on tight time frames. As we develop a control plan, we emphasize understanding the full range of collection system issues. We help clarify community objectives for asset renewal, improved level of service, and facility consolidation so they are considered in alternatives. Our expertise includes source control on private property, system optimization, separation, storage, wet weather treatment, and real-time control.

Operations and Training
Tetra Tech helps our clients optimize performance and train personnel to extend the useful life of their systems, provide more efficient operations, and deliver lifecycle cost savings. Our services include process control, plant optimization, performance evaluations, energy efficiency, and process troubleshooting. Tetra Tech has developed several products that provide valuable, concise, and up-to-date information to help your facility to operate in a more efficient manner. Learn more about Tetra Tech’s Wastewater Operations posters.
Connect with us. Reach out to our One Water solutions experts.